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live in your light

I get so many questions & have so much knowledge to share with you all that I have decided to be brave and go LIVE on my Youtube channel.


Live in Your Light LIVE will be a weekly intuitive talk every Sunday where I will channel exactly what Source guides me. I am committed to giving you the tools to live in your light not your dark


You will have an opportunity to ask me a question & 11 of these will be picked out and answered Live the following week

I am so excited about this calling & look forward to seeing you over on my channel




Samantha is a pure Shaman & channeller of spirit. She inspires and awakens others worldwide giving Live Mediumship Events private readings and energy healing.


Her own life experiences gives her a compassion and love as she connects on so many different pure energetic levels from her heart to heal and transform the emotion of grief trauma and pain.  

Clients call her more than a Medium because her work is pioneering.... It is life changing.she comes from her heart shes authentic natural

She has spoke about her near death experience and being diagnoseed with crpsII in 2005, By 2008 she was out of a wheelchair and getting in remission through the Art & Science of Clinical Aromatherapy Hypnotherapy Regression Therapy diet, Shamanic Ancient healing practices.


Media enquiries Charity Live Events contact




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