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I had lost my twin brother to suicide. I searched far and wide for a Medium or healer but noone could channel him. Then I found Samantha and as soon as we talked She chanelled him, telling me only things I knew. I found my inner light  knowing he was guiding me. I got the strength through this peace and managed to go to University. No words can express what your healing has done. Portugal



I connected with Sam for Hypnotherapy for my CRPS pain. With my permission she channelled my Mother whom had passed. I was shocked ! I didnt believe in that stuff ...We became friends after that. When I was diagnosed with Cancer she was there for me everyday and I asked her to help me in the light when my time was up. Love You Sam

Connie America



I had a Holistic Facial & Energy Healing Boost. Wow  I could feel the healing energy immediately It was the most incredible facial and I came out looking and feeling 10 years younger.

Highly Recommended!  Amy Manchester




Samantha helped my teenager who was suddenly behaving aggressively and violent towards me. it was becoming out of control.  It was fate for sure as in his 3rd session my Dad, His Grandad came through, whom he idolised. The grief and anger was plain to see as he wept and held me. Things have improved so much, hes less angry and remembers all his Grandad said. He now has tools to help manage his emotions, The Energy cleansing Samantha did to our house made a huge difference too. The heaviness has gone and we are sleeping better.  Grateful is an understatement you saved our family.  T, Gibraltar



I did an 8 week programme with Sam online, unlike most therapies that are structured and timed She focused on my goal unlocked my passions within, Every coaching session was unique Loved every moment I feel freedom for the first time in years,  Tracy UK



I hosted a Psychic Mediumship Event at my home with 6 friends. We were all very skeptical

However her accuracy her energy as soon as she stepped in the room. I was tingling throughout my reading She even made us go in the order our loved ones in Spirit wanted. Everyone of us got exactly what and who we wanted to connect

One of my friends had 3 loved ones give her guidance. Sam you are a rare  gift

& I love The Ghost Trail TV Show B Gibraltar


I was close to suicide then God sent me Sam. I found her by accident. Her work saved me I will never forget you. E London


You helped my Businesses thrive again and me. You knew exactly what i needed to do trust and invest in. Best 8 weeks of my life My profits are rising again. M Gibraltar


My first session with Samantha was mind blowing.

She connected me with my Grandmother and even channelled information about what was happening in my life.


It was beautiful to know she was aware of my life challenges & how she gave me insight to move forward with love . Immediately I felt free a weight had been lifted." -


Simone Gibraltar

I had Felt Spirit all my life...but I was scared due to a ouiji board experience in my teens

When my Father died I felt overwhelmed and started to get recurrent nightmares.Samantha was able to make me feel better immediately.

In my first session she cleansed my chakras and I went into a healing meditation. It was so relaxing. I slept like a baby for the first time in years. 

Spiritual Regression I could see & feel my Fathers soul ..It was incredible connection at peace floaty.

I looked & felt 10 years younger I had more energy. My fear of death has gone because I know my Dad is not in pain. Samantha has changed my life completely.

Nicole Manchester

I saw Samantha for help with my marriage & sex drive. My confidence was low I felt tired, stressed & I had a fear of getting pregnant. My grandmother had died a year before....I missed her immensely.

Sam channelled my Grandmother through mediumship & then did some healing to balance & energise me back to Holistic Health ....5 weeks later I was pregnant !!!!! Divine Intervention at its best

C Gibraltar

"I started seeing Samantha after coming out of a narcissistic abusive marriage. My confidence low anxiety high & feelings of guilt and shame were consuming me daily. Through Samanthas Holistic healing and Coaching,, A year on Im a different woman. My creativity is back Self love high and I am focused on me my business and my children. Your an angel

G uk

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