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live in your light

I get so many questions & have so much knowledge to share with you all that I have decided to be brave and go LIVE on my Youtube channel.

Live in Your Light LIVE will be a weekly intuitive talk every Sunday @8pm where I will channel exactly what Source guides me. In alignment with Collective Consciousness.

I am committed to giving you the tools to live in your light not your dark

You will have an opportunity to ask me a question & 11 of these will be picked out and answered Live the following week

I am so excited about this calling & look forward to seeing you over on my channel

Energy Healing

Live in Your Light

Samantha is a Pure Channeller of Spirit & has been working in the Holistic & Spiritual health arena for 22 years.

She connects with Source daily in alignment with Collective Frequency & Consciousness. Over the years Samantha has touched the lives of hundreds of people worldwide taking them on a journey from internal chaos to  peace & serenity within.

After 22 years of working with clients, Samantha is now guided to work with children again & will be offering Workshops very soon.

More exciting news, Samantha is going Live again, giving talks demonstrations & Spiritual Mediumship ....Sparking light in the darkness offering you the SOULutions you want.


"My role is to empower educate inspire and awaken you to  optimum health through the Art & Science of Holistic Health and give you the tools to thrive in all areas of your life. ​​I offer Bespoke therapy & Programmes that clear deep rooted trauma for balance and harmony to begin from within."

I am also passionate about making women feel beautiful inside & out

and am a Tropic Ambassador & offer vegan handmade skincare & cosmetics


I also offer Bespoke Beauty tips Holistic Facials

& Makeovers for women who want to look

and feel confident over 40.

I believe we are not our age ,,,

but our frequency


“The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well”


Get in touch


For free Clinical Hypnosis & Meditations click on link &subscribe to my youtube channel


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